Georges-Pierre Seurat
Pioch, Nicholas. "Seurat, Georges." WebMuseum:. BMW Foundation, 16 July 2002. Web. 16 May 2013.
This website is a must for anyone wanting know get a brief description of Geoarges Seurat along with an online museum of all of his works.
"Georges Seurat - The Complete Works." Georges Seurat - The Complete Works. N.p., 2002. Web. 16 May 2013.
This is a website completly dedicated to Mr. Geoarges and only Geoarges (as the url implies). There are 240 of his paintings published on this website.
"Georges-Pierre Seurat." Georges-Pierre Seurat. Princeton, n.d. Web. 16 May 2013.
This is a website published by Princeton University with detailed accounts of Geoarges Pierre Seurat's life (where he is from, hobbies, painting styles, older age). Very informative!