Pablo Picasso was a Spanish painter, sculptor, print maker, ceramicist, stage designer, poet and playwright who spent most of his adult life in France. There are so less words to describe his work of art. He was born in Spain and died in France. He always involved his life around his work and how he would creates so beautiful paintings without thinking. He had an unique talent to turn one image into another without putting too many thoughts into. His work of art amaze me like how he understood his work of art and took it to the next level. There is so much information regarding him and his work over the internet. One of the biography is:
1. https://www.biography.com/people/pablo-picasso-9440021
This site gives majority of life journey story as where he grew up and where is learned his work of art. Also, his goals towards his dream paintings. This site is helpful and informative in learning about Picasso's life.
Second website I came across was:
2. https://www.artsy.net/artist/pablo-picasso
This site has information on Picasso's work of art and what each means. It is basically like a art gallery where you look at different images and get amazed by it. Most interesting thing to me was it had the prices to the images which explains how important each art plays its role.
Third website that I cam across was:
3. https://www.guggenheim.org/artwork/artist/pablo-picasso
This site plays its role in different ways. It had more of images which Picasso had worked on. One of the images from this website is this:
This image is named: Mandolin and Guitar.
After reading the title of this image, the word guitar grabbed my attention and I look at the image right away and saw the guitar. Sometimes, when you don't understand the image but when you read the title then everything comes together. This is what is unique about Picasso and I like the work of art because it makes you think deeper into the image because you never it could be something else or another thing.
Another image:
Bird on the tree
Every image of his art is so special to me. In my humanities class, I saw videos of Picasso's work where he would draw his painting from the very start. You can see the overall process of one image turning into another. He was so talented that he didn't need to think, he would just move his hands then there is an another image that you can recall.