Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Nikita Gill

Source: "The Room" by Nikita Gill - Under Creative Commons License

While exploring poetry, in a sense, you are exploring the writer’s soul.  With the chosen rhythm and structure, each poem is completely unique.  When reading poetry, it seems to have a way of releasing emotions within oneself that may have been suppressed for some time.  This also happens while the poetry is being written; it is a wonderful tool that can be used to help develop one’s self.  Both while writing and experiencing other’s work, we have the opportunity to learn, to possibly have our views on the world changed; poetry can make us think in ways we don’t normally think. 
Nikita Gill’s poetry has done all this for me and for many others.  As I have learned while reading through some of her interviews, she has a desire for her writing to help; it does.  I have found myself feeling understood when reading her poems and when I close her books, I am not haunted with the feeling of being alone.

I am raising a daughter, who is now four, and have struggled with the various gender norms that are pushed upon her; the same ones that were pushed upon me and because I didn’t accept my predetermined role, I was turned invisible.  Her poems help make me feel visible again and by reading them to my daughter, among other parenting techniques, I hope she never feels inferior and invisible; I hope one day, no one does.
-Explains the success of empathetic writing and how she achieves this.
-Website gives a little background about Nikita Gill and briefly explains her reasoning for what she writes.
-Some of Nikita Gills poetry.