Monday, May 20, 2019


CIARA // ciara princess harris

An artist that personally inspires me, is Ciara, who is known for her talents as mainly a singer and songwriter, but also as a dancer. Ciara grew up in Austin, Texas and then ended up moving to Georgia where she joined the female group called “Hearsay”. After launching her career through the group, Ciara became an independent artist. Ciara is known for her top hits “One, Two, Step” “Body Party”, and “Ride”. Ciara’s first songs were very much surrounded amongst the purpose of creating entertaining and sexy songs, but now they have increased in deeper meaning. What I love about Ciara is her flawless confidence, female empowerment, dancing abilities, and the positive impact she has on other people. She is most known for her recent song called “Level Up”, which is about becoming a better figure for yourself in all areas of life. It is about embracing your self worth, and not settling for anything in life whether it be a job, relationship, or difficult situation in life.

In the first few seconds Ciara says “be in your boss, love yourself, dance, level up”. This music video currently has 1.7 million views and the song has taken over the modern choreography world. I like this video alot becuase it showcases her upbeat dancing.

This second one is another of my favorites, because it shows aspects of her hertiage and includes classic hip hop styles.

This last video, is an interview. Ciara talks about being “her own CEO”. This in my opinion, was so influential and really showed her fans how much of an independent and hardworking woman she is.