This is the Youtube channel that is partly owned by Dan Avidan, along with Arin Hanson. This is a well known media outlet and source of information on Dan do to it being of of the biggest Lets Play channels on Youtube where both he and Arin Hanson post videos of them playing video games to earn revenue through the use of Youtube advertisement monetization and the selling of channel related merchandise.
This is the main website for the band Dan Avidan Co owns with Brian Wecht. This is what first got Dan Avidan on the scene of pop culture and in the view of the public eye. The band itself makes comedy 1980's style music and has so far published four original albums: NSFW, Strawberries and Cream, Attitude City, and Cool Patrol.
Starbomb is another band co owned by Dan Avidan, along with Arin Hanson, and Brian Wecht. The band identifies itself as a Synthpop/Hip-Hop supergroup that creates video game based parody music. This is the second band that has Dan Avidan as a main vocalist and co owner.
I feel as though Dan Avidan is worth sharing do to the way he rose into modern day pop culture, the parody/comedy type of music that he produces, and the important part that he has played in the modern day sub culture of Youtube Lets Play communities. His rise into what is modern day pop culture could be seen as a strange and lucky one within the eye of someone viewing it. With his initial start up in the genre of comedy pop music its rare to see someone rise to the level of popularity that he has. This can somewhat be attributed to his time spent on the Lets Play channel on Youtube "Game Grumps" where he gained some following do to his time spent playing video games with Arin Hanson a fellow Youtube entertainer and vocalist. This in itself is also another reason I feel that he deserves to be recognized within this post, the rise in popularity of the Youtube Lets Play community can partially be attributed to him along with Arin Hanson and Jonathan Jafari do to their time spent on the popular channel "Game Grumps". From his rise to stardom in an uncommon musical genre to his continuing success as a personality, entertainer, and performer. I feel although he deserves to be recognized as a influential artist of our time do to his impact on what we view as current pop culture and art within his mediums.